The Care and Cultivation of African Violets


African Violets have five basic necessities of life: constant warmth, attentive watering, good light, high humidity and regular feeding.

Moderate warmth - minimum of 60° during the night/winter months with daytime temperatures ranging between 70° to 80°.
Ensure that the plants are not subject to cold drafts nor sudden changes in temperatures.

Water plants moderately using lukewarm distilled water. Keep the soil moist. The immersion method can be used occasionally. The most accommodating method of watering is the use of nested African Violet Pots. These provide for a steady supply of water without over watering.

Bright indirect light is an essential necessity for African Violets. However, always protect them from strong sunlight. In the summer place your African Violets in a west window. In the winter,, place them in an east or south window. To stimulate winter blooming, provide some artificial light during the evening hours. You may also grow your African Violets entirely by artificial light by positioning two 40 watt fluorescent lamps about 12 inches above the plants for about 14 hours per day.

High humidity is imperative to the health and well being of African Violets. However, humidity in the home is often very difficult to control. African Violet Pots filled with lukewarm water help to maintain the necessary humidity. Also, placing the pots on a bed of moist pebbles will also add to the area's humidity. Misting the plant will also help. However, mist carefully and mist plants that are not in flower. Always use lukewarm water and a very fine mist. After you have misted a plant keep it away from direct sunlight.

Fertilizer should be carefully used. It is recommended to use an African Violet Plant food purchased from a greenhouse, nursery or florist. Follow the instructions on the package. Frequently African Violet growers use 20-20-20 fertilizer at half the recommended dosage. Use it every time you water the plant.

If necessary, re-pot in the spring. African Violets grow best when limited to one plant per pot.