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African Violets require constantly moist soil and high humidity. They thrive best in one of these new self watering African Violet Pots.

  • These pots consist of a porous inner plant pot that is nested inside of a decorative outer water container.

  • The decorative outer pot is glazed and painted. This pot is designed to hold the inner plant pot and a substantial amount of water.

  • The smaller inner pot is glazed and painted along the rim only. The rest of this inner pot is left unglazed, unpainted and therefore very porous. The inner pot is readily able to uniformly absorb water from the outer pot.

  • This system of nested pots keeps your African Violets evenly, but not excessively, moist. The slow and even absorption of water by the inner pot not only provides a better environment for your African Violet but also maintains the humidity level required for the plant, requires less refilling of the outer pot and also waters your African Violets while you are away on short trips.

Some samples of my violet pots.
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Care and cultivation of African Violets.
Plant Problems and Remedies.
A brief history of African Violets.
 offers a wide selection of these African Violet Pots. Each pot is hand poured and painted specifically for each customer. These beautiful pots are made by Eloisa, a ceramic and pottery artisan originally from the Republic of Panama. She also served as the 'Indoor House Plant Specialist' for an American nationwide nursery & crafts store.

     These pots will provide not only an excellent habitat for your African Violets but a decorative addition to your home. They also make great gifts. Should you have any questions or special orders please E-Mail me at:

  A member of the African Violet Society of America. For more information about African violets and AVSA, visit the African Violet Society of America website at


Check out my Ebay sellers rating. Ebay ID: eloisa2000

Arts & Crafts by Eloisa
P.O. Box 220114
Chantilly, Va 20153
Tel: 1-800-214-9525 Pin #22