A few of the gracious comments left by some of my satisfied customers.

The pots arrived...they are beautiful and I am now repotting all my babies. ...... All my plants look lovely in their new homes and I have "babies" started that will, when they get bigger, have new beautiful homes also. Stay in the violet pot business.               N.D. - Hawaii

Just to let you know that I received all the pots in excellent condition! Thank you very much! Thank you for the beautiful pots. My wife loves all the pots that we ordered!                   S.K.. - Hawaii

I received my violet pot today. Its very cool. When I figure out which one I want next, I'll let you know. Thank you so very much. I am very pleased with my pot. Thanks again.               P.C. - Washington

The Violet Pots arrived Friday. Thank you very much.
They're beautiful!                  D.W. - Calif.

Just a few words to let you know how happy I am to finally find reasonably priced pots for my plants. I'm telling everyone I know. I'm ordering another one today. Thank you for the prompt service. I want every color now, and every size!! It's lovely.              N. & P. H. - Iowa

We received our violet pot yesterday. It is lovely and I'm sure our violet will enjoy its new and bigger home! Thank you for your promptness and the fine quality of your work!  I spent weeks searching for the perfect pot at local stores, but couldn't find one.  I was so glad to finally find one to meet my specifications! It's perfect!             K. & E. G. - Tenn.

Thanks for the lovely pots. They arrived in great shape. I passed your site on to several people and we will see if they follow up.           R.K. - Maryland

Eloisa, Thanks for the fine and beautiful pot. It arrived on Thurs., Apr 19 in excellent shape and is beautiful. The craftsmanship is superb and it is a beautiful addition to my violet collection. Thanks again.              K.W. - Ohio

Dear Eloisa, Just a note to let you know that I have received my order of 2 violet pots. They arrived in perfect condition and look just beautiful. I will be giving my mother the larger one for Mother's Day - just have to find an equally nice african violet for it- and am sure she will love it. Thanks again, plan to be in touch with you soon.                M.C. - Ohio

Eloisa- The pots arrived and I love them. They are all beautiful. I will most likely be ordering more in the future. I will also recommend your pots to anyone who is into plants. Thanks.               S.N.

Pots arrived and are very pretty. Thank you. I also wanted to mention to you that your packing is very good. This means a lot to both you and your customers. Not much fun to have to send something back and certainly no fun for you to have to redo the order. Again, thanks for my pots. I will certainly pass on your name to anyone who might be interested.       P.E. - Ohio

I received my beautiful pots. They arrived in perfect condition. Everyone in the Marriott Brighton Gardens of Yorba Linda, California, African Violet Society loves them. Thank you.                      L. F. - Calif

I received BOTH pots today and they are GORGEOUS!!! THANK YOUI! Going on your website to order two more!          I.W. - Virginia