African Violet Problems or Concerns





Yellow patches on leaves Too much direct sun in summer. Leaf edges may turn yellow and holes may appear.
Brown spots on leaves

Cold water has been used for watering. Always use lukewarm water.

Yellowing leaves Dry air. Too much sun. Not enough or too much watering. Overfeeding.
Pale green leaves; leaf edges curled The plant has been chilled. The minimum temperature should not fall below 60° F.
Limp leaves; center crown rot. Crown rot disease, caused by overwatering and a wide change in temperature. This is a difficult disease to control. It is infectious and the this procedure is to remove the infected plant and destroy it.
No Flowers Many possible causes: insufficient light, especially in winter; dry air; cold air; frequent re-potting; Moving the plant to a new location can cause it not to bloom for a while.
Moldy leaves & flowers Botrylis or powdery mildew leaves. Too much misting of leaves. Remove diseased parts. Spray with fungicide.
Insects Whitefly, mealy bug and cyclamen mite.